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Walking Out Your Destiny (e-manual)
April 25, 2016
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Finding Your Vision & Destiny (e-manual)


This manual relates to episodes 7-12 of Workplace Church which can be viewed here.

Destiny comes from God. It is His supernatural plan for us. Everyone has a destiny to fulfill and we are all called to find and grasp hold of that vision from God for which He uniquely designed and created us.

This manual is about understanding God’s vision for us, and learning how to work together with Him in discovering it.

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Discovering your God-given Destiny in the Workplace

Destiny comes from God. It is His supernatural plan for us. Everyone has a destiny to fulfill and we are all called to find and grasp hold of that vision from God for which He uniquely designed and created us.

Finding Your Vision & Destiny is about understanding God’s vision for us, and learning how to work together with Him in discovering it.

This manual relates to episodes 7-12 of Workplace Church which can be viewed here.


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